Amulet made on : BE 2551. Orgi n : Southeast Asian, Thailand. THAI AMULET LP SAKORN WAT NONG KRUB This is 100% genuine amulet talisman " build by "LP SAKORN" wat "NONG KRUB famous monk of thailand. This amulet was blessed by "LP SAKORN", 2553 , bigest ceremony and incantation magic of thailand, original from temple, limited edition. Hotest currently famous amulet of Thailand, Very rare and looks so classic.
This amulet will be wish for someone who respectfully for protect your business or use bring lucky for owner. Samakomphrapantip_ S t o re. Thai Buddhist Amulet Power Can Help And Improve More Better Your Life To Do Anything Smoother And Easy. Help The Owner More Get Better Anything That Your Wish And Hope.
Help And Protection Owner Change Bad Situation To Good.